How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field

Random musings from an old farmer about life, agriculture, and faith

Friday, February 05, 2010

Eat Meat

. . . Coming soon to a church near you! . . .

I was at a seminar this week that made me sit up and take note.
The animal rights/welfare groups have been pushing their anti-meat campaign since the 60's and 70's and have not been terribly successful. They are changing their focus.
Evolution/secularism doesn't have a legitimate reason for not raising animals for meat. Animals kill and eat each other! Humans have risen to the top of the food chain and have earned the right to eat whatever and however we choose! In nature, some animals enslave and torture other animals before they kill and eat them. Sometimes they don't eat them, they just kill for pleasure! There is no morality in nature!

So the anti-meat people realize that they must make eating meat a moral issue/sin. So they are turning to religion to spread their message. They did their homework and found that the vast majority of Americans claim to be Christians/spiritual. They also know that the majority don't have a clue what that means or what they believe. They have been meeting with mega-church preachers, Christian TV broadcasters, and others in organized religion and convincing them to help spread their message. And some are going along with their agenda. In particular, taking a few Old Testament, Old Covenant verses out of context and exhorting not to eat pork or animals raised using modern production practices.

They also try to use the emotional/moral "pet" angle. "You wouldn't eat Fido would you, so why would you eat a cow?" "If a chicken had a cute face like your little kitty, would you still eat it?" Production livestock are not pets! Just because some people treat animals like children doesn't mean animals are equal to humans. That was never God's intention.

1. Sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing or controlling.
2. Power to direct, control, use and dispose of at pleasure; right of possession and use without being accountable; as the private dominion of individuals.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary (The rest of the definitions involved Government control)

God gave man dominion over all living things, and the New Testament gives man the right to kill and eat any living thing.

Genesis 1:28, Acts 10:10-14, I Timothy 4:3,4


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