How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field

Random musings from an old farmer about life, agriculture, and faith

Monday, February 01, 2010

Full Moon

We had a couple of warm days following the ice, and then some rain. The ice disappeared along with most of the snow. Then it was back to the deep freeze with frigid temperatures again, with a mini blizzard thrown in for fun. Except for one, the days were mostly sunny and calm, so it was actually comfortable to work outside. This week looks to be milder than last week so I hope we can accomplish big things.
Like haul a lot of manure!

This weekend we had the largest full moon of the year. I saw it Saturday night and again early Sunday morning when I got up to do chores. You could see the surface fairly clearly, but I forgot to take any pictures. I never heard the local coyotes howling (if they did), but then I probably slept soundly.
When I was single and visited friends in Tuscon, Fred Funk took us to the Observatory to look through the giant telescope. The Astronomer on duty had an adapter to attach my SLR camera to the telescope, so I got some neat closeups of the moon on film that night.

In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.
Psalm 72:7


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