We got in one full day of planting corn this week before the rains returned. At the rate of one to two days in the field per week, it could take us a while to get everything done.
This morning I noticed that our first planted field of corn is emerging! Now if we could just get a little warm weather to give it a good boost.
Because we were out of the field, I didn't have to feel guilty about spending the day in Champaign-Urbana. Daughter #2 graduated today with her BSW from (drum roll please), the University of Illinois! She joins her siblings with that honor, being the 4th (and last) of our children to graduate from my Alma Mater. In August she gets her MRS degree. ;)
After the ceremony in Smith Memorial Hall, we attended a reception in the Social Work building.
It was a cool, windy day on campus, but the sun was shining so we spent a couple hours giving Kendra a tour of some of the highlights. First stop, of course, was the Morrow Plots. Then on to the Undergrad, South Quad, past the Carillon, ARC, Armory, Foellinger, Main Quad, the Boneyard, Bardeen Quad, Granger, and part of the Engineering campus. We got a good workout, and I wonder how many miles we put on the soles.
Unfortunately, the Alma Mater statue was out of town being refurbished, so no picture of the graduate there.
We figured that all of the popular restaurants around campus would be very busy, so we headed to the west side of town to Za's and had some good Italian food for supper before heading back home.
But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
Galatians 3:23
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