How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field

Random musings from an old farmer about life, agriculture, and faith

Friday, June 10, 2011

California Guests

We finally finished planting soybeans Monday afternoon.  We had been at it for a while!  As soon as a field would be dry enough, we planted it, but then it would rain again and we would have to wait on the next field.  We would only get to plant one or two fields a week.  As soon as we finished we started side-dressing our corn with additional nitrogen.  We needed to hurry that job before the corn got too tall to be able to drive through it without breaking the corn off.  This afternoon the side-dressing was completed.  I think maybe the stress level will decrease now and life may slow down a little.

Our California family was here the past week.  It was great to see Ed & Peggy, Alan & Amy, Laura, and Jessica.  It was great that their whole family could be here together.  Alan and Amy came to Illinois from the National Small Bus Roadeo in Indianapolis.  She came in 16th in the nation! 
I would have liked to have spent more time with them, but our unfinished fieldwork kept me busier than I anticipated it would for June.  But I did enjoy the time we had together catching up on what's happening in their lives. We did a lot of visiting with a lot of the local relatives with them.
Peggy brought her poodle "Ruby" with her.  Normally I don't like house pets, including hyperactive little yappy dogs.  But Ruby was the calmest, best behaved poodle I have ever seen.  You hardly knew she was around, and I never once heard her bark.  And since we gave up our bedroom to our guests, Ruby slept in my bed for four nights! :)  The old farmer and his wife slept in our "basement suite" on the sofa bed.  It was cool, dark, and quiet, and I slept well.  They left yesterday to continue their vacation.

And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the LORD, and see how they do.
Acts 15:36


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