Last week, along with 33 others representing 16 Illinois and Indiana churches, I attended an ALiCE training class put on by the ALiCE Training Institute. Our church paid for and sent several of us to this two day class (plus some additional online training and testing) which educates about active shooter events in schools, churches, businesses, and other public places. This is not something we even want to think about, but unfortunately it is reality. There was a lot of classroom instruction by a lifelong police trainer and SWAT team leader followed by role playing/scenario training. Our drills included donning safety glasses and helmets and the shooter coming at us unexpectedly with an air-soft gun. It was eye opening to see our reactions even when we knew what was going to happen and that it was just role playing. Your mind shifts to survival mode (every man for himself) and fight or flight! Learning how to act quickly, calmly, and decisively is important. The big challenge will be how to present what we learned to the church, and how the church should prepare for this possibility.
ALiCE stands for:
A - Alert. Be alert and aware of people and surroundings. Alert others (and call 911) immediately if something happens.
L - Lockdown. If evacuation is not a safe option, lockdown and fortify/barricade entry points. Prepare to evacuate or counter if needed.
I - Inform. Communicate real time information to authorities and people present using clear and direct language by any communication means available.
C - Counter. As a last resort, distract/disrupt shooter by shouting, movement, throwing objects, and swarming/tackling.
E - Evacuate. Run from danger when it is safe to do so using non-traditional exits if necessary. Rallying points (meeting places) should be predetermined.
These actions will not necessarily be sequential, and always try to have options. The goal is to save life, including the shooter's life.
We pray that any planning and training we do will never be needed, just like we hope we never need our fire evacuation plan or our tornado response plan.
Trivia: The first recorded United States school shooting was July 26, 1764 at a schoolhouse near Greencastle, Pennsylvania. Four native Americans entered the schoolhouse and shot and killed the schoolmaster and nine or ten students.
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28