How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field

Random musings from an old farmer about life, agriculture, and faith

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Sunday morning we headed West to Mediapolis for church.  We were invited to their Young Group  parent appreciation dinner in the evening.  We sat with Dad's cousin Dave in church in the morning, and had a good visit with him during noon lunch (see Wednesday Evening Blessing).  Several of our cousins and cousins' children attend church in Mediapolis, so we enjoyed our visit.  After church we changed clothes and had a "lunch call" at Brett and Jake's ( DP and deer sticks).  We then made a call at cousin Mary's house and were surprised that cousins Barb and Jane were there also.  At the Fellowship Center, we were served a very good meal of pork loin and finished the evening with a singing.  It was a very blessed evening and we enjoyed the worship and fellowship of the day.  The drive out and back is getting to be familiar.

In one of the daily devotionals that I read each day (Extreme Devotion, Voice of the Martyrs), I was treated to a poem by Constache Ioanid entitled "God Exists".  Constache was a Romanian artist/poet/songwriter who, after being befriended by Richard Wurmbrand, began writing Christian poems and songs.  His poem/song "God Exists" became the rallying song in Romania during the revolution leading to the fall of Nicolae Ceausescu, the brutal, repressive dictator in 1989.
Here is the English translation of his poem.


Oh, no! We are not a dream, an accident,
Nor a self-modeled clay.
But a Creative Force,
A Boundless Wisdom
Molded us.
Truly, God exists!
Oh, no! We are not grim wild beasts,
Led by a ruthless whip.
We have a soul,
And freedom,
A heart that beats for skies up high.
Truly, God exists!
Not ever would the plowed land
A chaste lily’s smile have noticed,
Hadn’t the Almighty his hand out reached
With feelings our inner well to fill.
Truly, God exists!
We bear the Scriptures as a proof,
And never-ending miracles and signs.
And he, who God to see desires,
Should stand in front of Him,
On barricades!
Truly, God exists!
Not always shiny is our journey,
Nor is our life a fairy-tale.
But we do live for it’s worth living
When high, above the narrowed world,
God exists!
Oh, no! We are not void!
What blessedness!
The Ultimate Truth is revealed.
Jesus lives inside of us,
Light and love,
And death is flight into eternity.
What blessedness!
Truly, God exists!

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:8


At 9:08 AM, Blogger Am said...

What a moving and powerful poem.


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