How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field

Random musings from an old farmer about life, agriculture, and faith

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold Again

It was -15 degrees this morning when I went out to do chores! That's cold! For the second day in a row School and the Ag Lab were closed. First because of the snow and wind, and then because of the extreme cold. School is canceled again tomorrow. Nobody cancelled chores or snow removal for me. Farmers are like the Postal service - neither wind or rain or hail or snow . . . . We had a hog waterer freeze up a couple of days ago, but we had a spare lot to move the pigs to so they had access to water. Today we had two more waterers freeze up. Fortunately I was able to thaw out the pipes coming up out of the ground with a heat gun. I can handle the cold pretty well until I have to take my gloves off to do repair work. This is definitely face mask and heavy duty mitten weather.
Saturday, I stood outside for five hours at a farm machinery auction. What did I buy? My usual; lunch. Monday was the Corn & Soybean Classic in Bloomington all day, so that was an indoor day. Our loader tractor is finally in the shop getting the clutch replaced. We have an old rental skid steer to use around the farm while it is gone. I've been using it to clear snow, but it is a very cold activity.
The cold ,stark, winter landscape can be beautiful though. Especially early in the morning watching the sunrise, and in the evening when the sun sets. While winter has its challenges, I do enjoy living in a climate with four seasons.

And it may be that I will abide, yea, and winter with you, that ye may bring me on my journey whithersoever I go.
I Corinthians 16:6


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