How Great The Yield From A Fertile Field

Random musings from an old farmer about life, agriculture, and faith

Sunday, December 10, 2006


After the storm, the patterns of wildlife are disrupted. We have seen flocks of pheasants out in the open searching for food. They get braver as they get desperate because of the snowcover. Yesterday we had a flock of 10 cocks and hens in the field out around our farmstead. Today, we had a nice big cock pheasant sitting on top of our garage! The rabbits are also very visible on the snow as they forage for food. Why do we have so many rabbits and squirrels around when we own a dog? Because ol' Hank (Dufus) spends most of his time cowering in the garage, afraid of most foreign animals. A large opossum was seen raiding the cat's food dish this week. Coyote are easy to spot after a snow. In cold weather, they will be active in the daylight and stand out on the white fields as they hunt. Dove pairs will sit on the roads, because they tend to hold more heat, then fly up at the last second as your vehicle approaches. We have a pair of Cardinals that are beautiful sitting in snow covered evergreen trees. Winter really can be a beautiful and interesting time of year here on the farm.


At 9:46 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Post a picture of the pheasant! I think you got more of him than us!


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